This is the final part in my five part guide to Perl references. It's a complete program that contains a menu system along with the card game 'war'. This is pretty serious spaghetti code, so I will likely replace it as soon as I come up with something that uses all of the examples in this series but has a more logical flow and is easier on the eyes :)
- Part 1 - The basics
- Part 2 - References as subroutine parameters
- Part 3 - Nested data structures
- Part 4 - Code references
- Part 5 - Concepts put to use (this document)
Please leave any corrections, criticisms, improvements, additions, questions and requests for further clarity in the comments section below, or in an email.
The following program code can be copy/pasted without all of the comments from my scripts repository.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use 5.10.0; # create a master dispatch table, using a reference to an # external sub, and two inline subs my %dispatch_table = ( play => \&play_game, hello => sub { say "\nHello, world!\n"; }, 'exit' => sub { say "\nGoodbye!\n"; exit; }, ); # create an href to the dispatch table hash my $dt_ref = \%dispatch_table; # take a reference to the closure within the games_played() sub my $games_played = games_played(); # loop over the menu until the user exits while ( 1 ){ system( "clear" ); # get the dispatch table options by dereferencing the # dispatch table href my @options = keys %{ $dt_ref }; say "Enter one of these options: " . join( ' ', @options ); chomp ( my $command = <STDIN> ); # exit if an illegal option was entered by the user exit if ! exists $dt_ref->{ $command }; # otherwise, execute the sub the user selected $dt_ref->{ $command }->(); # check to see if any games have been played through # the $games_played closure cref if ( $games_played->() ){ say "You've played " . $games_played->() . " games.\n"; } print "Please press ENTER..."; <STDIN>; } sub play_game { # this is the main game sub, called through the dispatch # table system( "clear" ); # create a deck of cards using a hash, and assign # a numeric value to the face value key my %deck; my $card_value = 14; for ( qw( A K Q J ), ( reverse 2..10 ) ){ $deck{ $_ } = $card_value; $card_value--; } # a list of the card faces (without their numeric values) my @cards = keys %deck; print "Enter your name: "; chomp ( my $player = <STDIN> ); print "Enter number of rounds (default: 5): "; chomp ( my $rounds = <STDIN> ); $rounds = 5 if $rounds !~ /\d+/; # create a nested HoH for the players, using an href as # the top level my $players = { $player => { score => 0, card => undef, }, npc => { score => 0, card => undef, }, }; my @player_names = keys %{ $players }; for my $round ( 1 .. $rounds ){ print "Round $round: "; for my $player ( @player_names ){ # call deal(), passing in an aref of the cards array my $card = deal( \@cards ); print "$player $card "; # set the players current card in their card slot in the # players HoH $players->{ $player }{ card } = $card; } # call the compare_hands() sub by passing in an anonymous # hash (reference) inline in the call, with three parameters. # All three values are references compare_hands({ player_names => \@player_names, players => $players, deck => \%deck, }); print "\n"; } print "\n"; # loop over players, and get each of their final # scores out of the players HOH for my $player ( @player_names ){ my $score = $players->{ $player }{ score }; say "$player won $score rounds."; } print "\n"; # update games played $games_played->( 1 ); } sub deal { # take an aref of @cards, and return a random one my $deck_of_cards = shift; # aref return $deck_of_cards->[ rand @{ $deck_of_cards } ]; } sub compare_hands { my $named_params = shift; # separate out the data from the named parameters # in the href we got passed in my $player_names = $named_params->{ player_names }; my $players = $named_params->{ players }; # we convert the last named param back into a hash # by dereferencing it my %deck = %{ $named_params->{ deck } }; my ( $player1, $player2 ) = @{ $player_names }; # get each player's card my $p1_card = $players->{ $player1 }{ card }; my $p2_card = $players->{ $player2 }{ card }; # check the face of the card to the %deck hash to # retrieve the numerical value my $p1_card_val = $deck{ $p1_card }; my $p2_card_val = $deck{ $p2_card }; # nobody wins this round... its a tie return if $p1_card_val == $p2_card_val; if ( $p1_card_val > $p2_card_val ){ # player 1 wins $players->{ $player1 }{ score }++; } else { # player 2 wins $players->{ $player2 }{ score }++; } } sub games_played { # state data my $games_played = 0; # our games_played closure return sub { my $add = shift; $games_played += $add if $add; return $games_played; } }
Thank you very much for reading. I have received a lot of great feedback on the series, both from people informing me they have learnt a great deal, and others with corrections and additions. I appreciate you all. I hope you have enjoyed my Guide to reference tutorials. Please feel free to provide me feedback so I may improve on my style for future posts.
Regards and thanks,
I just wanted to say thank you. This was an excellent tutorial on some of the idiosyncrasies of perl and it has cleared up a lot for me. Thank you again!